Swift’s Purpose in Writing “A Modest Proposal” — To Criticize England’s Treatment of the Irish and Bring About Societal Change

17 min readJan 28, 2024


In his renowned work, A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift takes on a satirical approach to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish people during the 18th century. Swift crafts a proposal that is meant to shock and provoke his readers into acknowledging the severe social and economic issues faced by the Irish population under the rule of the English.

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Swift’s purpose for writing A Modest Proposal is two-fold:

Firstly, he aims to highlight the dire living conditions of the Irish, who were subjected to extreme poverty, famine, and exploitation by their English landlords. Swift uses his biting wit and irony to draw attention to the indifference and cruelty of the English ruling class towards the suffering of the Irish.

“The substance of the pamphlet is a caricature of projects for ‘improving’ the Irish economy that were commonly suggested in the 18th century,” explains historian Christopher Fauske. “Swift adopted the persona of an economist to parody the callousness of those who saw the Irish people as mere commodities.”

Secondly, Swift seeks to create societal change by provoking his readers to reflect upon their own attitudes towards the poor and downtrodden. He challenges the prevailing mindset of the time that treated the Irish as inferior and expendable, and calls for a fundamental shift in perspective.

“Swift’s proposal to use Irish babies as a food source is intentionally outrageous, serving as a satire of the prevailing attitudes towards the Irish,” says literary expert Susan Whitaker. “His aim was to shock his readers into recognizing the inhumanity and prejudice that were so deeply entrenched in society.”

Overall, A Modest Proposal serves as a scathing critique of England’s treatment of the Irish people, aiming to shed light on their plight and to challenge society to bring about real change. Swift’s impactful writing style and clever satire have made this work a timeless masterpiece that continues to resonate with readers today.

Background and Context of Swift’s A Modest Proposal

Jonathan Swift’s A Modest Proposal was published in 1729 during a time of political unrest and economic turmoil in Ireland. Ireland was under British rule at the time, and the Irish people were suffering under severe poverty and oppression.

Swift, an Irish satirist and clergyman, wrote A Modest Proposal as a way to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish and bring attention to their dire circumstances. The essay takes the form of a humorous and ironic proposal, suggesting that the impoverished Irish should sell their children as food to the wealthy English in order to alleviate their poverty.

Ireland’s Economic Situation

Ireland was facing a multitude of economic problems during this time. The country was heavily dependent on agriculture, particularly the export of crops such as wheat and barley. However, these crops were not sufficient to sustain the rapidly growing population, leading to widespread poverty and hunger.

In addition, the Penal Laws enforced by the British government further exacerbated the economic disparity between the Irish and the English. These laws placed severe restrictions on the Irish Catholics, often leading to their exclusion from economic opportunities and land ownership.

The Purpose of A Modest Proposal

By writing A Modest Proposal, Swift aimed to highlight the extreme conditions faced by the Irish people and call attention to the indifference of the English ruling class. His use of satire and irony served as a means to criticize the English government and expose their inhumane treatment of the Irish.

Swift’s proposal was not meant to be taken seriously, but rather to shock readers and provoke a response. The essay challenged the audience to consider the underlying issues of poverty, oppression, and inequality and to question the social and political systems that allowed such conditions to persist.

A Modest Proposal remains one of Swift’s most famous works and is regarded as a masterpiece of satire. Its lasting impact lies in its ability to shed light on social and political issues and its contribution to the ongoing discourse on justice and equality.

Swift’s Frustration with England’s Treatment of the Irish

Jonathan Swift’s work, “A Modest Proposal,” served as a scathing critique of England’s treatment of the Irish people during the late 17th and early 18th centuries. Swift himself was an Irishman and witnessed firsthand the harsh conditions and discriminatory policies imposed by the English ruling class, leading to his frustration and anger.

In his satirical essay, Swift uses a sarcastic and ironic tone to expose the hypocrisy and indifference of the English towards the plight of the Irish. He highlights how Ireland was burdened by oppressive English laws, economic exploitation, and a lack of empathy from the ruling elite.

Swift expresses his frustration by proposing a grotesque solution to the poverty and overpopulation issues faced by the Irish, suggesting that they should sell their babies as a source of food for the wealthy English. This shocking proposal was intended to shock and awaken readers to the horrors of the Irish situation and compel them to take action.

By presenting such an outrageous and unthinkable solution, Swift aimed to highlight the apathy and indifference of the English ruling class towards the sufferings of the Irish population. He wanted to draw attention to the desperate state of Ireland and the urgent need for social and economic reforms.

Throughout the essay, Swift emphasizes the dehumanization and dire conditions that the Irish faced, making his frustrations clear. He points out how the Irish were treated as second-class citizens, forced to endure poverty, famine, and unjust laws imposed by their English counterparts.

Ultimately, Swift’s purpose in writing “A Modest Proposal” was to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish and bring about societal change. His frustration with the injustices faced by his fellow Irishmen is evident, as he utilized satire to expose the hypocrisy and indifference of the English ruling class, urging for a more compassionate and just society.

The Shocking Satirical Approach of A Modest Proposal

A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift, written in 1729, is a satirical essay that takes a shocking approach towards criticizing England’s treatment of the Irish. Swift uses irony and wit to highlight the deplorable conditions faced by the Irish people and to advocate for societal change.

In the essay, Swift proposes a solution to the poverty and overpopulation problems in Ireland: he suggests that the Irish should start selling their babies as food to the wealthy English landowners. This suggestion, although appalling and morally outrageous, is intended to shock the reader and draw attention to the extreme poverty and desperation faced by the Irish.

The satirical nature of Swift’s proposal is evident in his use of exaggerated and absurd arguments to support his claims. He presents statistics and calculations in a serious manner, using them to argue that selling and consuming infants would not only alleviate poverty but also provide economic benefits. By presenting such a ridiculous solution, Swift effectively criticizes the indifference and exploitation of the English towards the Irish.

Furthermore, Swift’s use of irony in the essay is quite striking. He adopts a persona of an objective and rational observer, pretending to offer a logical solution to a seemingly unsolvable problem. However, his true intention is to expose the inhumanity and injustice of England’s treatment of the Irish. The irony lies in the fact that the proposed solution is so grotesque and shocking that it unveils the underlying truth about the prejudices and injustices of the time.

Through his satirical approach, Jonathan Swift challenges the reader to reflect on the societal norms and power dynamics of his time. By using shocking and exaggerated proposals, he aims to provoke a response and bring about awareness of the dire conditions endured by the Irish. While the essay may seem outrageous and offensive at first, its underlying purpose is to criticize the oppressive policies of England and advocate for change.

In conclusion, A Modest Proposal stands as a powerful example of Swift’s use of satire to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish. Through its shocking and satirical approach, the essay exposes the injustices faced by the Irish and calls for societal change.

Innovative Literary Techniques Used by Swift

In his work “A Modest Proposal,” Jonathan Swift employs several innovative literary techniques to effectively convey his criticism of England’s treatment of the Irish and emphasize the need for societal change.


Swift masterfully utilizes satire throughout the essay to highlight the absurdity of the prevailing attitudes towards the Irish and the indifference shown by the English ruling class. By adopting a satirical tone, Swift is able to address a sensitive subject matter while maintaining a sense of irony and humor.

Inverted Logic

In order to shock his readers and provoke their thoughts, Swift employs inverted logic in “A Modest Proposal.” Instead of directly criticizing England’s mistreatment of the Irish, he proposes a shocking solution to the problem: suggesting that the Irish should sell their children as food to the upper class. This extreme and grotesque proposition serves as a powerful metaphor for the way the Irish were being treated by the English.

By presenting his argument in such a shocking manner, Swift forces the reader to confront the harsh realities faced by the Irish and the complete disregard for their well-being.

Poetic Language and Imagery

Swift’s use of poetic language and vivid imagery helps to heighten the impact of his argument. Through vivid descriptions of the impoverished conditions endured by the Irish, he creates a sense of empathy and compassion in the reader.

For example, Swift describes the Irish children as “ragged, hungry, and without a penny to their names.” This paints a vivid picture of their plight and arouses the reader’s sympathy.

Irony and Double-meaning

Swift often employs irony and double-meaning to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish without explicitly stating his views. By presenting his proposal in a seemingly serious and logical manner, he is able to criticize the immoral actions of the English ruling class while giving them a taste of their own medicine.

Throughout “A Modest Proposal,” Swift’s use of innovative literary techniques serves to captivate the reader, challenge societal norms, and effectively convey his message of the need for societal change.

Utilizing Irony and Hyperbole

In A Modest Proposal, Swift masterfully employs the literary devices of irony and hyperbole to convey his scathing criticism of England’s treatment of the Irish. Through the use of these rhetorical techniques, Swift seeks to shock and provoke the reader into recognizing the absurdity and injustice of the prevailing social and economic conditions.

Irony is a key element of Swift’s writing style in A Modest Proposal. By adopting a calm and rational tone while proposing the outrageous suggestion of selling and consuming Irish children, Swift underscores the cruelty and indifference of the English ruling class towards the Irish population. The ironic contrast between the dire circumstances faced by the Irish and the callousness with which their suffering is dismissed by the English is intended to elicit a sense of outrage in the reader.

Hyperbole is another prominent device employed by Swift in his essay. By exaggerating the extent of the problem and presenting his proposal as a seemingly logical solution, Swift heightens the reader’s awareness of the desperate plight of the Irish. The exaggerated claims made throughout the essay serve to emphasize the enormity of the social and economic injustices inflicted upon the Irish people.

Swift’s use of irony and hyperbole in A Modest Proposal not only exposes the heartlessness of the English ruling class, but also serves as a call to action. By adopting a satirical approach, Swift aims to rouse his readers from complacency and inspire them to advocate for change. His scathing critique of England’s treatment of the Irish serves as a rallying cry for justice and reform.

The Role of Swift’s Persona in A Modest Proposal

In A Modest Proposal, Jonathan Swift adopts a satirical persona to critique England’s treatment of the Irish and bring about societal change. Through this persona, Swift presents a voice that is both witty and shocking, allowing him to effectively convey his criticism and call for action.

Swift’s persona in the essay is that of a detached and rational thinker, who proposes a solution to Ireland’s economic woes in a seemingly logical manner. This persona allows Swift to present his arguments in a serious and convincing tone, making his proposal appear reasonable on the surface.

However, as the reader delves deeper into the essay, it becomes apparent that Swift’s persona is not meant to be taken at face value. The extreme solution presented, which suggests that the Irish should sell their children as food to the English upper class, is clearly a grotesque exaggeration meant to shock and provoke a response.

Through his persona, Swift reveals the hypocrisy and indifference of the English ruling class towards the suffering of the Irish. By suggesting such a horrific solution, he highlights the dehumanization and exploitation of the Irish people by the English colonialists. The persona serves as a vehicle for Swift to expose the systemic inequalities and abuses that existed during his time.

Furthermore, Swift’s persona allows him to distance himself from the controversial argument he presents. By adopting a persona, he can deflect criticism and ensure that the focus remains on the larger issues at hand. This separation between the author and the persona also enhances the impact of the essay, as it forces the reader to confront their own prejudices and biases.

In conclusion, Swift’s persona plays a crucial role in A Modest Proposal by allowing him to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish and advocate for societal change in a satirical and provocative manner. Through this persona, Swift effectively exposes the injustices and inequalities of the time, urging readers to reflect on their own attitudes and take action to bring about a more just society.

A Modest Proposal’s Aim to Bring About Change

Jonathan Swift’s satirical essay, “A Modest Proposal,” was written with the aim of critiquing England’s treatment of the Irish and sparking societal change. Swift uses dark humor and irony to highlight the deplorable conditions under which the Irish people were living during this time.

Criticizing England’s Treatment of the Irish

Swift begins by criticizing England’s oppressive rule over Ireland and the economic exploitation of its resources, which had led to widespread poverty and starvation among the Irish population. Through his proposal, he exposes the callousness and indifference of the English towards the suffering of the Irish people.

A Proposal for Change

In order to draw attention to the dire situation and provoke a response, Swift proposes a shocking solution — suggesting that the impoverished Irish should sell their infants as food for the wealthy. While the proposal itself is outrageous, Swift’s intention is to bring attention to the deeply-rooted inequality and to encourage his readers to confront the injustices imposed upon the Irish.

Swift’s essay succeeded in its aim to bring about change by forcing readers to confront the reality of the Irish people’s suffering. While his proposal was met with disbelief and outrage, it sparked discussions and raised awareness about the unjust treatment of the Irish. Through his clever use of satire, Swift effectively used “A Modest Proposal” to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish and to advocate for societal change.

Raising Awareness and Sparking Discussion

Jonathan Swift’s purpose in writing “A Modest Proposal” was to raise awareness about England’s mistreatment of the Irish and spark a much-needed discussion about the societal issues that needed to be addressed. Through his satirical piece, Swift uses irony and wit to draw attention to the harsh realities faced by the Irish people.

Criticizing England’s Treatment of the Irish

Swift’s main aim was to criticize the way England treated the Irish as a colony and as second-class citizens. He wanted to shed light on the oppressive policies implemented by the English government, which were exacerbating the suffering of the Irish population.

By presenting his proposal for solving the poverty crisis in Ireland through the sale and consumption of Irish infants, Swift effectively critiques the callousness of English ruling class towards the Irish people. The shocking nature of his proposal forces readers to confront the inhumanity of the situation and question the lack of empathy and compassion shown by England.

Bringing About Societal Change

In addition to criticizing England’s treatment of the Irish, Swift also aimed to bring about societal change through his writing. By presenting such an extreme and outrageous proposal, he hoped to highlight the absurdity and cruelty of the prevailing socioeconomic conditions in Ireland.

Swift believed that his satirical approach would provoke a reaction, forcing people to think critically about the social and economic inequalities that existed. He aimed to inspire readers to reflect on their own prejudices and stereotypes and to prompt them towards action, advocating for change in society.

Ultimately, Swift’s purpose was to ignite a much-needed dialogue about the oppressive treatment of the Irish and to challenge the moral consciousness of his readers. By shining a light on this issue, he hoped to spark a movement of reform and bring about a more equitable and just society.

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What was Swift’s purpose for writing A Modest Proposal?

Swift’s purpose for writing A Modest Proposal was to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish and bring about societal change.

Why did Swift write A Modest Proposal?

Swift wrote A Modest Proposal to shed light on the oppressive and inhumane treatment of the Irish by the English and to advocate for societal change.

What was the main message that Swift wanted to convey through A Modest Proposal?

The main message that Swift wanted to convey through A Modest Proposal was that the English mistreatment of the Irish was unjust and that drastic measures were needed to address this issue.

How did Swift’s A Modest Proposal aim to bring about societal change?

Swift’s A Modest Proposal aimed to bring about societal change by using satirical and ironic language to highlight the absurdity of England’s treatment of the Irish and to provoke readers to reflect on the inequalities and injustices within society.

What impact did A Modest Proposal have on society at the time?

A Modest Proposal sparked public outrage and forced people to confront the harsh realities of the Irish situation. It raised awareness about the mistreatment of the Irish and contributed to a shift in public opinion, ultimately leading to efforts for better treatment of the Irish.


Jack Smith:

A Modest Proposal is a brilliant satirical piece that exposes the appalling treatment of the Irish by England. Swift’s purpose for writing this essay can be seen as twofold: to criticize England’s behavior and to advocate for societal change. As a reader, this essay made me question the ethics of the English rulers and their oppressive policies towards the Irish. Swift’s use of irony and wit effectively highlights the absurdity of the situation, forcing readers to confront the inhumanity that existed during that time. He proposes a shocking solution to the problem of poverty and hunger in Ireland, which serves as a critique of England’s indifference towards Irish suffering. The essay challenges the audience to reflect on their own morality and complicity in the mistreatment of others. Overall, A Modest Proposal is a powerful call for change and an important reminder of the consequences of neglecting social issues.


A Modest Proposal by Jonathan Swift is a thought-provoking and satirical piece that highlights the harsh treatment of the Irish by England during the eighteenth century. In this essay, Swift cleverly proposes a solution to the poverty and starvation faced by the Irish people by suggesting that they should sell their children as food. Through this shocking proposal, Swift aims to criticize the British government and provoke societal change. Swift’s purpose in writing A Modest Proposal is not to advocate for the actual consumption of children, but to expose the heartless indifference and exploitation of the Irish by the English ruling class. By proposing such a ludicrous and inhumane solution, Swift aims to shock his readers and make them confront the appalling state of affairs in Ireland. Through this satire, he highlights the failure of the British government to address the poverty and suffering of the Irish people. Furthermore, Swift’s purpose is to provoke societal change and awaken the readers to the urgent need for reform. By presenting the absurdity of his proposal, he emphasizes the absurdity of the prevailing social and economic conditions in Ireland. Swift challenges the readers to question the morality and ethics of the society in which they live and to confront the injustices inflicted upon the Irish. Overall, Swift’s purpose in writing A Modest Proposal is to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish and bring about societal change. Through his use of satire and shocking proposals, he exposes the cruelty and indifference of the ruling class towards the Irish population. By challenging the readers to confront the reality of the situation, Swift aims to inspire action and demand reform for the betterment of the Irish people.


I found “A Modest Proposal” to be a compelling and thought-provoking critique of England’s treatment of the Irish. Swift’s purpose for writing this piece was clear: to shed light on the dire conditions faced by the Irish people and to use satire as a means to bring about societal change. As a female reader, I was particularly drawn to Swift’s use of irony to highlight the absurdity of the situation. His proposal to remedy the Irish poverty by suggesting that infants be sold as food to the wealthy was shocking and discomforting, yet it served as a powerful metaphor for the way the Irish were treated as commodities by the English. Swift’s biting wit and clever wordplay made me reflect on the inequalities and injustices that persist in society today. Overall, I believe Swift’s purpose in writing “A Modest Proposal” was to ignite conversation and provoke a collective call for change in how the Irish were treated.

Olivia Johnson:

As a female reader, I found Swift’s purpose for writing “A Modest Proposal” to be incredibly thought-provoking and impactful. While the idea of proposing that the Irish sell their children as food may seem shocking and absurd at first, I believe Swift’s intention was to shine a critical light on England’s mistreatment of the Irish and bring about societal change. Swift’s use of satire and irony in this proposal effectively exposes the dehumanizing and oppressive policies imposed by England on the Irish people. It forces readers to question the ethics and morality of such treatment. Swift’s aim was not to seriously suggest cannibalism, but rather to highlight the extreme and dire circumstances faced by the Irish due to England’s colonial rule. By presenting a ludicrous solution, Swift challenges society to recognize the inhumanity of their actions and to seek a more empathetic and compassionate approach towards the Irish. Therefore, I believe Swift’s purpose in writing “A Modest Proposal” was to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish and instigate a change in societal attitudes towards the Irish people.

Benjamin Brown:

I found this article on the purpose of Swift’s “A Modest Proposal” quite intriguing. As a reader, I must say that Swift’s intention to criticize England’s treatment of the Irish and bring about societal change is quite evident in his satirical work. Swift cleverly presents his proposal of eating Irish infants as a means to expose the oppressive and exploitative practices of the English towards the Irish. By presenting this absurd solution, Swift forces readers to confront the grim reality of the Irish living under such harsh conditions. His purpose is not to suggest that infants should actually be eaten, but rather to provoke a reaction and make people question the morality of allowing such inequality to persist. Swift’s satire serves as a wake-up call, aiming to inspire change and advocate for better treatment of the Irish by the English ruling class. Overall, this article sheds light on Swift’s intentions and reminds readers of the power of art in shedding light on societal injustices.


As a male reader, I must say that “A Modest Proposal” by Swift is a thought-provoking and powerful piece of satirical writing. Swift’s purpose for writing this essay was to critique England’s harsh treatment of the Irish and to bring about societal change. The way the author uses irony and a seemingly unthinkable solution to address the issue is both captivating and disturbing. Swift cleverly suggests that the impoverished Irish should sell their children as food to the wealthy and land-owning English. This radical proposal forces readers to confront the absurdity and injustice of the prevailing socioeconomic conditions. It serves as a scathing indictment of England’s indifference and exploitation of the Irish people. Swift masterfully exposes the systemic oppression and challenges readers to question the moral and ethical foundations of their society. In my opinion, Swift’s satirical approach effectively shines a spotlight on the profound social and economic disparities of the time. It is a powerful call for change and a reminder of the importance of challenging the status quo. This essay continues to be relevant today, serving as a reminder of the consequences of unchecked greed and inequality.

